Admission to the FSU Commonwealth Honors Program

Incoming First-Year Student Admission

一年级学生将根据他们的高中课程选择参加荣誉课程, recalculated grade point average, 并在大学水平上表现出卓越学术工作的潜力. 

Incoming Transfer Student Admission


Continuing Student Admission

最初未被选中参加荣誉课程的入学学生可以在十大网赌信誉平台完成至少一个学期的课程(至少3个课程学分),GPA最低为3后申请选择.20. 被录取的学生在完成五(5)或更多的通识教育课程学分后,没有资格选择荣誉课程. 一份简短的意向声明和一份非官方成绩单必须在1月10日(参加春季荣誉课程)或6月10日(参加秋季荣誉课程)之前提交给荣誉课程的教务处主任。.


Course Selection and Design

联邦荣誉课程的学生有机会选择课程, designed to be intensive and intellectually challenging, from a wide range of disciplines. 荣誉学生有优先注册权,这意味着他们几乎不会被某门课程拒之门外! 通识教育荣誉课程利用和发展学生的创造力和分析思维能力. Because these classes are generally smaller in enrollment, 学生与老师有更多的互动和深入的课堂讨论, which helps foster a close student-instructor relationship.


符合荣誉课程资格的一年级新生(见课程要求)将获得年度奖学金, which is determined by the Admissions Office. Other special scholarships are also available through the program, which celebrate students’ academic achievements.

Honors Housing

荣誉项目学生在住宿宿舍有指定楼层. 该楼层将包括一名常驻顾问,他通常是高年级的荣誉学生. (Note: It is not mandatory for Honors Program students to select this floor.)

Honors Program House

Students have exclusive access to the Honors Program house at 22 Adams Road. 这是学生们聚在一起学习、聊天或在朋友之间放松的好地方. 房子里有WiFi、电视、打印机、小冰箱和微波炉.

Extracurricular Activities/Special Events

荣誉课程每年为学生举办/赞助几项活动. Each Fall, there is a retreat for first-year Honors Program students.  其他活动还包括去波士顿看戏、摘苹果、看电影等等!

荣誉学生也有机会参加海外学习计划,并在校园内担任补充课程讲师. In addition, every Spring, the Program hosts a dinner for students, faculty and thesis advisors where academic achievements are recognized. 三年级和四年级学生的论文导师会表扬他们,并在毕业时授予他们荣誉项目的绶带和别针.

Special Designations

完成该课程的荣誉学生将在毕业时和本科成绩单上被认可为英联邦荣誉学者. 十大网赌信誉平台是全州联邦荣誉计划的成员, the National Collegiate Honors Council, and the Northeast Regional Collegiate Honors Council. 研究生院和专业学校认可学生完成课程的学术成就.

Meet the Faculty

Gregory Halfond

Professor, History and Faculty Director of the Commonwealth Honors Program

Rebecca Carr

Administrative Assistant - Honors Program
Honors Program House 203

Requirements for the Commonwealth Honors Program

十大网赌信誉平台荣誉课程的参与者必须完成至少六(6)学分的课程荣誉指定, 包括RAMS第一年的荣誉研讨会(HNRS)和荣誉顶点课程HNRS 480荣誉课程论文/项目. 所有学生必须在十大网赌信誉平台完成至少三(3)门荣誉课程, including HNRS 480 Honors Program Thesis/Project. 

As a condition of continued enrollment in the Honors Program, a freshman or sophomore must maintain a GPA of no less than 3.00 overall; a junior or senior must maintain a GPA of 3.20 or greater. In addition, a student must earn a minimum grade of B (3.在每门荣誉课程(包括论文)中,以计入课程要求. 在完成第一学年和课程选修要求之前,学生不得超过一个学期不参加荣誉课程, but may wait to take HNRS 480 Honors Program Thesis/Project without penalty.

Contract Course Information

大多数荣誉课程是普通100级和200级通识教育课程中专门设计的部分,也可以应用于通识教育的要求. However, 学生可以选择在其主修课程(300或400级)中选修一门荣誉课程,通过提交一份荣誉合同,学生和导师在课程中设计或改进一个强调高级的项目, independent research on a particular subject.

The form below can be used for this substitution.

Link to Contract Course Request Form


Honors Thesis


所有荣誉课程的高年级学生都必须公开展示他们的论文项目的结果.  Options for the presentations include, the Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference in Amherst, 每年为联邦公立学院和大学的学生举办, FSU CELTSS "Student Conference for Research and Creative Practice", and departmental research days.


Please click the link - Honors Program Forms - to access further information regarding Senior Honors Thesis.

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