十大网赌信誉平台的生物学学士学位为卫生专业的各种职业道路提供了极好的准备, 生物技术, 野生动物保护, 行业, 研究, 和教育. Our diverse curriculum includes courses in 有机体的 biology, human and animal physiology, 细胞与分子生物学, 遗传学, 神经科学, 生态, 野生动物生物学, 植物学, 海洋生物学.

每个生物学专业的学生都根据自己的兴趣和职业目标选择专业. 的 five concentrations offered are 普通生物学 (UBIG), Wildlife and Environmental 生物学 (UBIW), 生物技术(UBIO), 生物学 Secondary Education (UBIT), and Pre-Health 生物学 (UBIP). 请参阅本页底部的课程链接,了解具体的生物学核心和浓度要求.

In addition to regular course work, every 生物学 major participates in an intensive 凯普斯通研究项目. 通过第一手的经验,学生们开始理解科学的过程,并欣赏生物系统的复杂性和多样性. 的 program also gives the 学生 invaluable training in scientific writing, 数据分析, and oral presentation skills.



  • Explain how the basic principles of the biological hierarchy (molecular, 细胞, 有机体的, 人口, 公共, 生态, and global) are interconnected.

  • 通过其因果进化机制来区分不同的生物特征.

  •  用科学的方法调查与他们的集中有关的假设.

  • 展示传达生物信息的能力,并以适合目标受众的形式传递信息.

  • 使用生物学视角作为当代政策讨论中公民参与的基础, 包括反种族主义, 公共卫生, 气候变化.


实验室指导涉及对存在一定安全风险的化学品和材料的处理. 十大网赌信誉平台致力于确保所有大学员工的健康和福祉, 学生, 和游客. In regard to lab safety specifically, 大学有法律义务遵守联邦职业安全与健康管理局的“实验室标准”规定.

实验室标准的目标是确保所有实验室人员了解实验室环境中存在的化学和其他安全危害, 适当的工作实践和设备到位,以保证实验室人员的安全. A critical element of the Lab Standard is the preparation of a 化学卫生计划 (CHP) that spells out expected lab conduct, standard operating procedures, personal protective equipment, 实验室安全设备, 应急程序, 等. Click on the link for the full text of the University's CHP.


生物学 majors have the option of pursuing a career 教学 high school biology. 弗雷明汉 State offers two pathways to biology teacher certification. One is an Education minor coordinated with the 生物学 major. 的 other is a post-baccalaureate licensure program. For more 信息 please visit the 生物学 Teacher Certification 页面.

学前健康研究项目,由生物系和化学系联合开展 & 食品科学系, 为任何有兴趣攻读医学专业的学生提供职业特定课程指导, 牙科, 药店, 兽医, or other health-related career. 该计划的学生也有机会向卫生专业咨询委员会申请综合推荐信. 请浏览 学前健康研究课程 浏览更多信息.

计划从事生物技术或生物制药行业的生物学专业学生可以选择将生物学学士学位与生物技术-质量保证专业科学硕士学位相结合. 这个4+1课程为毕业生进入就业市场做好准备,为长期的职业发展和成功提供科学专业知识和管理技能. Interested 学生 should apply in the fall of their junior year. 请浏览 BS/PSM 4+1课程 浏览更多信息.

神经科学辅修课程是由生物系和心理哲学系共同开设的. Neuroscientists study the structure and function of the nervous system, 的思想, 情绪, and behaviors that it manifests, and mental disease and treatment. 有兴趣辅修神经科学的学生应与其中一个赞助部门的主席会面. 的 minor consists of four required courses and one elective. Only one course may be taken within the student's major area. Courses in the minor may also fulfill general education requirements. For detailed course 信息 see the 神经科学项目 页面.

生物学专业的学生如果想在卫生领域谋求职业,可以考虑辅修公共卫生. No more than two required courses from major requirements may count towards minor. Courses in the minor may be used to fulfill general education requirements. To complete the course residency requirement for a minor, 在十大网赌信誉平台必须修至少三个辅修学分(12个学期). 有兴趣的学生必须以书面形式向食品与营养系主任提出申请. For full details on course requirements check 公共卫生副修 program 信息.

生物学 majors who are considering a career in a science writing, 编辑, 出版, or broadcasting may elect to declare a 科学传播 minor, an interdisciplinary minor offered by the English Department. To declare a 科学传播 minor, 学生必须填写适当的表格,并从下列部门之一获得系主任的签名, 媒体, & Performance; English; or Environment, Society, & 可持续性. 的 minor consists of five courses, three required plus two electives. Four of the five courses must be taken outside the major department. Students should meet with an advisor in the minor to design a course plan. 看到 科学传播 Program 页面.

生物学小 当生物课程可以作为专业课程的补充时,非生物专业的学生可以选修这门课吗. Of the five courses required, 至少两门必须有实验室,三门必须是200级或更高水平的生物课程. All courses must be chosen under the guidance of a member of the 生物学 Department. 请参阅下面的节目链接.

For non-science majors the Department offers several 通识教育课程 关于各种主题,包括人类生物学,海洋生物,植物和环境.





Aspiring neuroscientist and community leader

Hillary came to FSU from Mt. Wachusett Community College and quickly became an active member of the community. 她是辅导班的老师,同学的导师,也是学生会的成员. She also served as the student member of the FSU 校董会. 希拉里完成了两次研究实习,一次在塔夫茨大学,另一次在麻省大学陈医学院. 毕业后,希拉里将进入研究生院攻读神经科学博士学位.



A nursing career in 公共卫生

After graduation from FSU Rachael earned a Master of Public Health degree and an RN. She worked as a COVID pandemic first responder in NYC for two years. 的n she became a traveling nurse, providing medical assistance to 人口s and health care facilities in need. Rachael is currently with the Indian Health Service in Bethel, 阿拉斯加, working as an ER nurse and supporting mobile clinics in rural villages. 的 hospital serves 58 villages in an area the size of Oregon. 她继续在曼哈顿的多米尼加妇女发展中心工作.


Dr. 布兰迪·范·罗


Dr. 布兰迪·范·罗为监测猫头鹰秋季迁徙的国家保护工作做出了贡献. 每年晚上都有几个学生和她一起去捕捉东部最小的猫头鹰:北方锯磨猫头鹰, which are about the size of a robin. Students learn how to safely extract birds from mist nets, collect measurements of wing length and body mass, 并识别蜕皮模式,以确定捕获个体的年龄和性别. 然后,这些猫头鹰被戴上联邦政府颁发的编号带,这样,如果它们在另一个晚上被再次捕获,它们的活动就可以被追踪到, 在另一个州, 甚至在未来的一年. 在上图所示的夜晚, 然而, everyone was treated to a surprise in the net: a much larger barred owl.

教师 & 工作人员



Associate Professor, 生物学


Professor and Chair, 生物学


Associate Professor, 生物学

Jeffrey D. 白色

Associate Professor, 生物学
